Just Audit's Karen Lewchenko supporting at the Scottish Institute of Internal Auditors Conference 2023...
"I was asked to run 2 breakout sessions around mental health with Javed Bobat in Edinburgh at the Scottish institute of Internal Auditors on Thursday 2nd November (incidentally it was also National Stress Awareness Day). Javed is a recruitment consultant who set up his own CIC (Community Interest Company) helping others with mental health. We've known each other for a few years now.
Supporting the conference was a great experience. We met all kinds of people, including some from large companies including Netflix!
The sessions we ran were interactive, encouraging delegates to discuss how to spot the signs of stress/overwhelm (poor mental health) and also to talk about their own self-care. We reminded them of things they may have learned during lockdown but failed to continue to practice so I included some mindfulness in there too."
Karen is an Assistant Manager with Just Audit and has been a valued part of the team for 9 years. She will be supporting the ICAEW North Well-being webinar on 2nd February 2024 - these sessions will be for junior accountants on understanding productivity, stress management, building resilience and achieving an effective work-life balance.