Our service is exactly what it says IT IS – aN INDEPENDENT audit service for the clients of accountancy firms
The type of work we undertake is principally the statutory audit of limited companies.
In addition we also carry out:
• Solicitors’ Accounts Rules
• CASS5 Audits
• ATOL accountants' reports
All of these require registered auditor status.
Just Audit’s systems and procedures are set up specifically to provide a pure audit service to support the work of accountants who typically provide a general accountancy and tax service to their clients. We utilise their work as much as possible, therefore minimising disruption to the client.
Staff consistency is also a very important part of our approach – with 82% continuity of staff on all of our audits.

Within Just Audit we have an approachable, professional team, all with a considerable amount of audit experience. We also have the support of our admin team who look after our practice admin, marketing and the review of the statutory disclosures within our clients’ statutory accounts.
Just Audit is headed by Rachel Davis whose personal experience is with all sizes of accountancy practice and many different sizes and types of clients.
We aim to have continuity of staffing within the audit team; this benefits the client and strengthens our knowledge and understanding of the client’s business. For our clients it means that they work with the same Just Audit contact year on year.

Rachel Davis,
Managing Director
David Fletcher,
Associate Director
Tania Holyoak,
Office Manager

Laura Mason,
Assistant Office Manager
enquiry form
Head Office
Just Audit Limited - Registered in England and Wales. Registration Number: 05616386
We are registered to carry on audit work in the UK and Ireland by the Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales. Details of our audit registration can be viewed at www.auditregister.org.uk for the UK and for Ireland at www.cro.ie/auditors under reference number C001348334.
PI Insurance details: Markel (UK) Limited, 81-85 Station Road, Croydon, United Kingdom CR0 2RD
Details of our ATOL audit registration can be found HERE